Featured Speakers

Being a featured speaker provided the business or individual to shine for 15 minutes.  You want to follow similar guidelines as a 3-minute speaker.  You need to make sure you provide good information that is relevant to most attendees on a topic that you are a thought leader on. Here you can bring a presentation and use the A/V system.

NOTE: Filling out the form places you into the queue to be a speaker. You will be notified of the month and day when you will be assigned.  Use the Message field to make any special requests: Month, AV, etc.

“Share Your Business With a 3-Minute Presentation At No Cost”

Each month, there are opportunities to tell the group a little more about yourself by doing a 3-minute presentation on you and your business.

This is more than just an elevator speech – it’s an opportunity to share more information about who you are, what you do, and how you can help any of the people attending the Omaha emPower Breakfast.”

Making the Most of your 3-minutes

  1. The less you say, the more people will remember. Mark Twain once reported to have said, “I would have written you a shorter letter if I had more time.”  Take the time craft what you want to communicate.
  2. Tell about Solutions, not Products and Services. You are the only person on the planet that cares about your products and/or services. Attendees want to hear what solutions you provide to the marketplace.  Remember you have time for maybe THREE items maximum. Be brief. Remember WII-FM “What’s In It For ME” from the audience point of view not yours.  Sure, you are passionate about your business. Express that passion by telling others how what you offer will benefit them.
  3. Repeat your name and business name. Start by saying your name and business name.  Once you are done with telling about your solutions, close by saying your name and business name.

Marketing Basics

Remember that you are on stage for 3-minutes, not to bore the audience with a sales talk about your Products and Services.  A Goal should be to establish yourself as the “goto” Subject Matter Expert for the problems you solve.

Try and remember the following three steps in developing your talk:

  1. Arouse Interest – First you need to get the attention of the prospect for your solution.
  2. Create Desire – Secondly you need to create the desire for your solution in the prospect’s mind.
  3. Motivate Action – Thirdly, what action do you want them to do?  Visit your website? Act on a special Offer? Talk to you? Pick-up and share information on the table?

The 30-Second Elevator Speech

You might want to base your THREE Minute talk on the Five Point foundation of the 30-second elevator speech:

  1. I AM – Say Your Name and Business Name
  2. I DO – Say your Job Title
  3. I HELP – Tell us how you help people and businesses with the job title.  Tell about SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS.
  4. I WANT – Be Specific in asking for leads or new business opportunities.
  5. I AM – Repeat your name and business name.

The 30-second elevator speech will help you craft a great networking speech once someone asks you, “What do you do?” The Goal of your your Three Minutes and your 30=second elevator speech should be “To Start a Conversation.”

Be A Speaker at the Omaha emPower Breakfast

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