Each November, we honor Veterans with our program.
This month, we have Kim Kuhle of the Veterans Victory Entrepreneurial Small Business Campus and Housing.
Her Talk is titled: “How growing a community benefits your business. The Veteran Victory How To Secret Sauce”
The mission of the Veterans Victory Entrepreneurial Small Business Campus and Housing project is to focus on growing a Veteran Entrepreneurial Campus, a community within a community, in four cities with a target of 12 total, Kim Kuhle accelerated business and employee satisfaction.
Kim Kuhle, CEO 402.639.8855
International Women Economic Forum
Award Winner www.vvsbc.com
Kim Kuhle, Founder and CEO of 21 businesses, has launched 3 of 12 Veterans Victory Entrepreneurial Small Business Centers and Housing to honor her father, an Air Force Veteran, and honor her mother, a victim of an explosion. She is handing down shares in the Veterans Victory Opportunity Zone businesses to her daughters; they will manage the Veteran programs and entrepreneurial campuses until 2047 under the OZ law.
Experience: Community Development Finance Banker, structuring and blending complex finance packages for over $1 billion in commercial real estate projects/loans for 30 Years.
*Co-Founder, Working Board Member, Personally Liable and
Treasurer for a fund that started with $1,000 and grew to a $100 million 6,500 multifamily apartments, serving for 20 years.
*Treasurer and Personally Liable Working Board Member for two funds, a $25 million 100-unit senior apartment fund and a $17 million 400-unit multifamily fund for 10 years.
*Real Estate Property Manager – responsible for development of 100 acres of land, acquisition of 5 institutions, developing an award- winning healthcare clinic, office buildings and economic development programs in 3 states for 5 years.
*Member Kuhle Family Trust – 58 Commercial Properties; Next Project: developing 327 Acre business park and single- family housing suburb